Stunning physique but subjective feeling of burnout

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  • Stunning physique but subjective feeling of burnout

    He has the best measurement I have seen, but he feel exhausted.

    At 20.00 he is fishing because he thinks it is a relaxing activity - is it?

    I'm suspecting an underlying ADHD

  • #2
    Hello Peter,

    I did a little research. In general, HRV is reduced in ADHD. The vagus is reduced, the HR increased and the sympathetic nerve is also increased. I.e. only from the measurement I would not conclude ADHD. It is of course different with a conversation.
    Your client has a great measurement. A well-trained cardiovascular system. It regulates well up and down. He sets good stimuli to which his vegetativum reacts adequately. But he would certainly benefit from regular activation.
    the fishing activity is for his body more activating, you can see this in the HR, which is increasing. This is mainly because his heart rate is very low all day long. but mentally it could be relaxing because he likes it and its a different activity compared to his all day activities.


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      Thank you wery much for your reply. The reason I suspect(ed) ADHD is that he describes a lot better mental functioning when he was living as a carpenter and doing competitive bodybuilding. In that period his life was wery structured and he also did a lot of adrenaline sports. I was thinking structure and an extreme amount of physical activity + adrenaline sports = self medication.
      Now he is a physiotherapist student without all the training and he has switched adrenaline sports with fishing, and he is relative misreable.
      Zuletzt geändert von; 18.06.2020, 10:10.

  • #3
    Hi Peter,

    it would be great if he is willing to change something. But i think that the measurement is a first step. Maybe you can do a follow up measurment a few months later and show it to us.
    Best regards,


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