Am I having burnout?

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  • Am I having burnout?

    I am constantly tired, have no energy, am I having burnout allready? Or is it just a risk?

  • #2
    Good morning,

    thank you for sharing your measurement with us.

    If you've been feeling tired and lacking energy for a while, you should take some time and get yourself checked out. Experts must clarify with you after a detailed diagnosis and examination whether it is burnout or something else. However, your values ​​indicate that your body has been under electricity for a long time.
    For your age, your life fire is too low and your pulse curve is too high in the activities.

    As a first step, I would suggest that you have a thorough check-up with a doctor you trust, including blood tests, in order to rule out anything that could lead to the condition you described.

    Depending on the results, you can then plan further steps. The HRV measurement was the first step to make visible how you are feeling. And that was an important step, but perhaps not an easy one. Now gather your strength and nourish yourself and your life fire again. You are on the right way. I wish you all the best for this.


    • #3
      Thank you very much for your reply! Really appreciate


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