Brustgurt - connection issues with 3rd party hardware to Autonom Health software

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  • Brustgurt - connection issues with 3rd party hardware to Autonom Health software

    Hi community
    I'm experincing great difficulties with connecting my Polar H7 and my Faros180 devices to the AH software. Both devices are fully charged, and the Faros device is in transmit (online) mode. Has anyone else experienced this and maybe even found some solutions?

    I'm really eager to try it out, and I cross my fingers for recieving valuable hints

    Kind regards

  • #2
    Hello Peter,

    we need some more information to find the possible problems.
    Do you want to connect the Polar H7 and Faros to our App or do you want to use them to upload the data directly into the analysis portal? Which Account do you want to use?
    Can you describe the difficulties with connecting the hardware? Do you have screenshots?

    Best Regards,
    the Autonom Health Team


    • #3
      Hi AH - thank's, I will send an email to your office with screen video capturing


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