Why doesn't the software detect sleep apnea in this measurement as "very good sleep"?

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  • Why doesn't the software detect sleep apnea in this measurement as "very good sleep"?

    This is a measurement of a 53 year old male with a recent burnout, diabetes and sleep apnea. Normally after 1,5 hours sleep he removes his breathing mask that he wears because of the sleep apnea. What I want to ask is, why is the sofware rating during the periods of sleep apnea is "very good" (dark blue), despite of the fact that we know that it ought te be very bad? Snoring is detected very well.
    You can answer in German if you like.

  • #2
    Helloy Anonymous,

    The good rating is probably due to the significant increase in HRV during these phases compared to the day. The software reaches its limits here. With the necessary knowledge, this constellation can be uncovered in the med analysis. It should also be noted in the measurement that the obviously massive reduction in heart rate during sleep is an indication of relatively good regeneration.

    Greetings from the Autonom Health Team


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